Doula Care
Postpartum Daytime Help - Overnight Newborn Care - Pregnancy Loss - Infant Loss
The first few months after your new Baby joins the family, life can feel chaotic and amazing! Baby snuggles, tiny clothes, coos and smiles. No time for cleaning, cooking, laundry.
Finding your new routine can be challenging. Pam is here to help. She can figure out your daily patterns, help you figure out how to handle the "witching hour", & encourage sleep for the whole family.
If you've just dealt with pregnancy or infant loss, or are anticipating it, Pam can help you deal with the grief while you process the loss.
You are still a parent, even if your baby is no longer with you. You do not need to go through this difficult time alone.
$50/hour Doula Care
60 hour Doula Package $3000
80 hour Package $4000
100 hour Package $5000
Postpartum Package $6750
Postpartum Package includes: Consultations (Diet Tips, Brain Health Tips, Self Care Tips, Menstrual and Fertility Tips, Infant Massage Class) & Massage (either whole body or abdominal for you or your partner)
Month 1) 48 hours of doula care, 2 consults, 1 massage.
Month 2) 36 hours of doula care, 2 consults, 2 massages.
Month 3) 24 hours of doula care, 2 consults, 2 massages.
Doula Hourly Packages are good for 3 months and hours can be used during the day or overnight.
Doula visits have a 2 hour minimum.